Chiaroscuric (Armor Magic Property)

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Chiaroscuric (Armor Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +8 (epic)

You must be level 21 or higher to equip, wield or wear an item with this property.

Chiaroscuric armor renders the wearer as a vaguely unreal figure, the colors of their form muted, their borders shaky and ill-fitted to reality. This armor blurs the wearer when it is desired, rendering them vaguely unreal, as a portion of their existence is rendered null. This brief effect is usually used to 'ride out' a powerful attack, although clever owners may come up with additional uses as allowed by the GM on a case-by-case basis.

While wearing Chiaroscuric armor, once per encounter, when activated as a free action, after a damage roll is resolved against you, cut the damage in half retroactively. This halving is taken after any applicable damage resistance is subtracted, not before.

In addition, up to three times per day, as a free action during your turn, you may declare that all damage you take from that point until the start of your next turn is halved after all applicable resistance is subtracted.

Note that:

Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 65), a vital remnant (tier 6), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.