Crocodile (Mount)

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  • Cost (Combat Trained): 2,100 gp
  • Cost (Riding Trained): 1,050 gp
  • Weight: 900 lbs.
This elongated amphibious reptile has a massive, powerful jaw and a ridged, bumpy back that is patterned to look like a log when floating on the surface of water. Crocodiles are ambush predators that are most at home near the shores of water, leaping onto land to snatch prey that steps too close to the edge.
This mount grants its rider the following bonuses:
Mounted CR: 7
Size: Large (can carry up to sized-Medium riders)
Intelligence: 2
Movement: Walk 20 ft., Lesser Swim 50 ft.
Bonus Damage:
(if Combat Trained)
+3 bonus damage to all of the rider's melee attacks made while riding.
Carrying Capacity: 1,000 lbs.
Unlockable Special Abilities:


  • Requires: 1 point(s) of CR
  • Benefit: A mount with this special ability enables its rider to initiate a Stealth stance, as though they have total concealment, during any move action in which the mount breeches the surface of a body of water. (Obviously, the rider must be riding on the mount at the time, to use this ability.) This breech can either be to surface or to submerge, but the act of moving above or below the surface breaks line of sight long enough for the rider to initiate Stealth. The body of water must be deep enough for the mount to fully submerge, or this ability cannot be used. The clarity or murkiness of the water is irrelevant to the use of this ability. Stealth affects both the rider and the mount.