Eroding (Shield Magic Property)

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Eroding (Shield Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +8 (epic)

You must be level 21 or higher to equip, wield or wear an item with this property.

A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is covered with jagged burrs and razor-sharp serrations that saw and grind whenever the wearer is grappled or entangled. When the wearer is struck by any combat maneuver to grapple, pin, or force their movement (such as Bull Rush or Reposition attempts), their attacker suffers (Order 9 damage): 1d6+8 points of damage per character level (max 22d6+176 at character level 22) as squamous (physical, rare) damage, as the barbs and blades bite into it. This does not effect direct Forced Movement unless the GM adjudicates so, such as due to the exact effect which applies the Forced Movement.

Up to once per round when the wielder is grappled, swallowed, or otherwise entangled by a creature during their turn, they may, as an immediate action, inflict (Order 9 damage): 1d6+8 points of damage per character level (max 22d6+176 at character level 22) as squamous (physical, rare) damage, as the barbs and blades bite into it.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 65), a vital remnant (tier 6), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.