Falcata (Weapon)

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Falcata 1-Hand / Exotic [edit]
Cost Sm Dmg Med Dmg Large Dmg Crit Range Wt Type
18 gp 1d6 1d8 2d6 17-20 x2 - 4 lbs Hacking (physical, uncommon)
Weapon Qualities:
The falcata is an odd-looking thing, with that droopy nose and massive hooked hilt. In the hands of a skilled user, the design is shown to be a marvel of deadly intent. It is every bit as good as a longsword in cut-and-thrust combat, but the curved edge, forward balance, and aggressive point combine to inflict extremely severe wounds when a well-aimed strike drives home. The Falcata belongs to the "Blades, Heavy" weapon group, and is treated as a slashing weapon for the application of Weapon Properties, Feats, Dweomermetals and all other effects.