Limitless Quiver

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Limitless Quiver

Slotless Item - Conjuration Aura

This quiver can create non-magical arrows, bolts, bullet stones, or any other type of Ammunition with the Expendable (Quality), except for Alchemical, Dural, or any dweomermetal ammunition. It can create as many pieces of ammunition as its attuned owner needs, as fast as they need it, but each piece of ammunition lasts only a few seconds, vanishing at the end of the encounter in which it was created, or lasting only a few moments (long enough to be used once) out of combat. When purchased, you must declare what kind of non-magical ammunition it creates, and more expensive limitless quivers can produce more types of ammunition. Once chosen, this choice of ammunition cannot be changed without buying a new quiver.

A Limitless Quiver cannot create ammunition that is alchemical in nature, nor can it create ammunition made from any special materials or dweomermetals. Created ammunition always does the damage type of the mundane ammunition it emulates, although any effects which would change the damage type of mundane ammunition also works with created ammunition.

Ammunition created by a Limitless Quiver disappears quickly, and anyone viewing the ammunition can see that it is conjured rather than real.

The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.

Specific Limitless Quiver   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 300 gp
Weight: 3 lbs.
A Specific Limitless Quiver can produce one specific type of ammunition for one specific type of weapon. An example would be a quiver that produces only Flight Arrows for a Composite Greatbow. Ammo from a Specific Limitless Quiver can only be used for the exact type of weapon it was purchased for, and the ammo type cannot be changed without buying another Limitless Quiver. The Mighty property DOES affect a Specific Limitless Quiver, so if your Strength goes up, you will need to get a new Specific Limitless Quiver, to match. If you buy several Limitless Quivers, changing which Quiver you are drawing ammunition from requires a standard action.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 12 (10 + double CL)), Languid remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 150 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Copious Limitless Quiver   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 6,000 gp
Weight: 3 lbs.
A Copious Limitless Quiver can produce any type of ammunition for one specific type of weapon. An example would be a quiver that produces any kind of Arrows (Flight, Broadhead, Whistling, Fire, etc) for a Composite Greatbow. Ammo from a Copious Limitless Quiver can only be used for the exact type of weapon it was purchased for. The Mighty property DOES affect a Copious Limitless Quiver, so if your Strength goes up, you will need to get a new Copious Limitless Quiver, to match. If you buy several Limitless Quivers, changing which Quiver you are drawing ammunition from requires a standard action.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 28 (10 + double CL)), Pale remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 3,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Bountiful Limitless Quiver   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 39,000 gp
Weight: 3 lbs.
A Bountiful Limitless Quiver can produce any type of ammunition for one group of weapons (such as Bows, Crossbows, etc.). An example would be a quiver that produces any kind of Arrows (Flight, Broadhead, Whistling, Fire, etc) for any Bow (Shortbow, Longbow, Greatbow, etc). Ammo from a Bountiful Limitless Quiver can be used for any weapon in its group, although the weapon group cannot be changed without buying another Limitless Quiver. The Mighty property DOES NOT affect a Bountiful Limitless Quiver, so if your Strength goes up, your Quiver will produce the proper type of ammo automatically. If you buy several Limitless Quivers, changing which Quiver you are drawing ammunition from requires a standard action.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 44 (10 + double CL)), Bright remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 19,500 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Completely Limitless Quiver   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 390,000 gp
Weight: 3 lbs.
A Completely Limitless Quiver can produce any type of ammunition for any weapon. The Mighty property DOES NOT affect a Completely Limitless Quiver, so if your Strength goes up, your Quiver will produce the proper type of ammo automatically. If you buy several Limitless Quivers, changing which Quiver you are drawing ammunition from requires a standard action.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 60 (10 + double CL)), Intense remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 195,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).