Net and Trident (Feat)

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Your skill with lighter weapons allows you to wield one alongside your net.

Prerequisites: Level 11, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Net, Net Adept (Feat), Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat)

Benefit: You can treat a net in your off-hand as a light, one-handed ranged weapon, allowing you to wield a light or one-handed melee weapon in your main hand and still make ranged attacks with your net. When you use your light or one-handed melee weapon to attack an entangled opponent, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and on rolls to confirm a critical hit.

Note: The net in your off-hand is NOT treated as a melee weapon due to your Net Adept (Feat), although you may wield a net in both hands and use one as a melee weapon and the other as a ranged weapon. Note that drawing and preparing a new net for use is NOT affected by this feat.

Normal: A net is a two-handed ranged weapon.