Shadowy, Greater (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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Shadowy, Greater (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +6 (epic)

You must be level 21 or higher to equip, wield or wear an item with this property.

When wielded, this weapon becomes shadowy and translucent, and its size varies as it is moved about. This has the effect of adding 10 feet of inclusive reach to all attacks made by the weapon, including attacks of opportunity and bonus attacks. Note that this added reach allows the wielder to threaten all reachable squares. For a normal, non-reach weapon, this means it now has 15' of inclusive reach (since all weapons have 5 feet of inclusive reach). If the weapon already has some form of reach, this increases that reach by 10 feet, and makes the new squares it can reach inclusive.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 50), a intense remnant (tier 4), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.