Shield Proficiency (Feat)

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You are trained in how to properly use a shield.

Prerequisites: Level 1

Related: Shield Focus (Feat), Shield Wall (Feat), Shield Use: Tower Shield (Feat), Shield Use: War Shield (Feat)

Benefit: When you use either a light or a heavy shield, the shield's armor check penalty only applies to Strength- and Dexterity-based skills.

Normal: When you are using a shield with which you are not proficient, you take either a -4 penalty or the shield's armor check penalty (whichever is greater) on attack rolls and on all skill checks that use STR or DEX. This penalty can stack with a penalty caused by non-proficiency with armor or a wielded weapon.

Special: Many classes gain proficiency in Light or Heavy Shields, or both, for free. See the class page for each class for details. Taking this feat gives you proficiency in both Light and Heavy shields.

Special: A buckler is considered to be a type of light shield for purposes of proficiency with shields. War shields and Tower shields require their own proficiency feats.