Sky Swim (Druid Spell)

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Level: Druid 3
School: Transmutation


Casting Time: Standard Action, or the first attack of a Full Attack Action
Components: V, S, M (A vial of dew and dawn air, worth 1 gp.)


Range: Touch
Target or Area: one target creature, plus one per 15 character levels (drop fractions; max 3 at level 30),size Large or smaller creatures touched.
Duration: Until the end of the current encounter, the end of the next encounter, or until the start of a full night's rest, whichever is sooner
Saving Throw: Harmless (Reflex negates)
Save DC: 10 + caster stat modifier + spell level
Spell Resistance: Yes


You release a puff of dawn air and dew as you wave your hands, the soft words of this spell weaving with your movements. You touch one or more creatures, which can include yourself, and you infuse their limbs with the power to treat Wind as Water. This spell grants the target the ability to swim through the air, merely by making a Skill Check.
If the target has a swim speed, it can move through the air at that speed, instantly and automatically. Otherwise, it must succeed at Movement (Swim) checks to move as if normally Swimming, although failing checks rarely will cause a target to drown, unless they cannot normally breathe air. Still air is treated as calm water, light or moderate wind is treated as rough water, strong or severe wind is treated as stormy water, and the target cannot swim through stronger winds (see the Environmental Effects page for details). This spell does not grant the ability to breathe air to creatures that normally cannot.
Note that like all spells and effects, if you ride a Mount, the effects of this spell also work on the mounts movement abilities. Which makes a Riding Whale even more awesome.
This spell lays a divine charge on its target(s). If the targets are something other than you or another creature (such as an object or area), the spell lays a divine charge on you, the caster. Targets which already have a divine charge present must choose which to keep when the new spell is cast. Only one divine charge can ever be present on a target at a time.

Mana Burn Circle Damage

Spell Circle Burn Cost Req'd Char Level Base Dice Max Dice
0 N/A N/A 1d4 per 2 character levels max of 4d4 at character level 8
1 N/A 1st 1d6 per character level max of 4d6 at character level 4
2 +1 3rd 1d6 per character level max of 6d6 at character level 6
3 +1 5th 1d6 per character level max of 10d6 at character level 10
4 +1 7th 1d6+1 per character level max of 12d6+12 at character level 12
5 +1 9th 1d6+1 per character level max of 15d6+15 at character level 15
6 +1 11th 1d6+2 per character level max of 16d6+32 at character level 16
7 +1 13th 1d6+2 per character level max of 20d6+40 at character level 20
8 +1 15th 1d6+3 per character level max of 21d6+63 at character level 21
9 +1 17th 1d6+3 per character level max of 25d6+75 at character level 25
10 +1 19th 1d6+4 per character level max of 25d6+100 at character level 25
11 +1 21st 1d6+5 per character level max of 25d6+125 at character level 25
12 +1 23rd 1d6+6 per character level max of 27d6+162 at character level 27
13 +1 25th 1d6+7 per character level max of 27d6+189 at character level 27
14 +1 27th 1d6+8 per character level max of 29d6+232 at character level 29
15 +1 29th 1d6+9 per character level max of 29d6+261 at character level 29
16 +1 31st 1d6+10 per character level max of 30d6+300 at character level 30
17 +1 33rd 1d6+11 per character level max of 30d6+330 at character level 30
18 +1 35th 1d6+12 per character level max of 30d6+360 at character level 30