Template:Summon Monster Bonus Abilities

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Bonus Abilities

d20 Result Ability
1 No bonus ability
2 Darkvision 60 ft.
3 +4 Perception; can make an active perception check as a free action once per encounter
4 May make a 5-foot step each round, even if it has moved (not a second 5-foot step, just a guaranteed first one)
5 Size large, normal (5') reach
6 Combat Reflexes (Feat)
7 Ranged attack equal to standard attack, 50' increment, max range 250'
8 Once per round, auto-swap positions with target of successful melee attack
9 Immune to Dazzled, Blind, Fogged conditions
10 Size huge, normal (5') reach
11 Lifesense 60 ft.
12 Ranged attack equal to standard attack, 50' increment, max 250'; may make 3 ranged attacks w/full attack action
13 Once per round, auto Bull Rush 5 feet w/successful melee attack, and step into space
14 Immune to Sickened, Afflicted, Nauseated conditions
15 Size medium, 10 ft. of reach
d20 Result Ability
16 May use Summoned Strike as a ranged attack, max range 30 ft.
17 Once per round, can pass through a single enemy's space (must end in open space, provokes, auto-succeeds)
18 Tremorsense 60 ft.
19 Immune diseases (infected, diseased, blighted) and poisons (tainted, poisoned, blighted)
20 Size large, 10 ft. of reach
21 May use Summoned Strike as a ranged attack, max range 50 ft.
22 Ignore difficult terrain
23 Immune to Bruised, Bleed, Ruptured conditions
24 Cannot be flanked (as improved uncanny dodge)
25 Size huge, 10 ft. of reach
26 Immune to Quelled, Prone, Splayed conditions
27 Gains DR x/Common (Bludgeoning,  Crushing,  Piercing,  Slashing,  Slime), where x = CR of the monster; does not stack with other sources of DR
28 Blindsense 60 ft.
29 Immune to all fear-based conditions
30 Gains ER x/Common (Acid,  Cold,  Fire,  Lightning,  Sonic), where x = CR of the monster; does not stack with other sources of ER