Wand of Hemorrhaging, Apprentice

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Apprentice's Wand of Hemorrhaging

CL 13 Magic Wand • Moderate Necromancy
Cost: 36,400 gp
Weight: 0.6 lbs.
Family: Wand of Hemorrhaging

A wand of hemorrhaging is made of woven venombark, and the thorns of this tree have been left on during the construction of the wand, though filed down and cleansed of their poison. Nevertheless, the wand is somewhat uncomfortable to hold as the many thorns jab into the wielder's hand. Venombark is quite striking in appearance, since it carries hues of green, yellow, orange, and red in its grain, striped in swirling patterns over and around the thorns and knots of the wood.

An apprentice's wand of hemorrhaging grants the wielder the ability to apply the effects of the Cutting Spell (Feat) to any 1st through 5th level spell, up to once per round, without increasing the spell level of the spell.

The wielder must already possess the Cutting Spell (Feat) to use this wand. Without the feat, the wand is unusable.

This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 36 (10 + double CL)), Pale (tier 2) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 18,200 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).