Abyssal Rage (Feat)

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The power of the deep ocean sustains you, as you morph into water.

Prerequisites: Barbarian 21, Primal Mien class feature

Benefit: While raging, you are charged with the power of deep, deadly waters. Your form suffuses with gleaming, pressurized water, your skin brimming with the briny strength of the deep, still depths, your viscera dissolving into oceanic currents.

While Rage is active, you become immune to bleed damage (any of Bruised, Bleed, or Ruptured), critical hits, and precision damage (since you no longer have vulnerable organs or parts to strike, nor blood). In addition, while raging, your natural armor receives a +1 bonus, and, if in a liquid environment, you gain a Jet move speed (an aquatic move type) equal to double your walk speed.