Annihilation (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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Annihilation (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +9 (epic)

You must be level 21 or higher to equip, wield or wear an item with this property.

The wielder of this weapon may activate this property with a swift action, causing the weapon to fade into an iridescent translucence, and, if examined, it provides glimpses into a vast, deep space inside itself, that seems to be full of mysterious shapes and movement. Once transformed, an Annihilation weapon inflicts 3d6+35 points of bonus Force (energy, uncommon) damage on each successful hit as bonus damage, and all of the weapon's damage is delivered as Force damage. The force damage does not harm the wielder. The property's effect remains active until another swift action is expended to turn it off, the weapon is sheathed, or until the wielder takes a full night's rest, whichever occurs first.

In the event that the wielder scores a critical hit against an enemy within melee reach, the bonus Force damage provided by this property is multiplied by the critical multiplier of the weapon. This breaks the rules for bonus damage, which doesn't normally get multiplied on a critical hit.

The wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus to-hit with any attacks made against the enemy creatures within the melee reach of the Annihilation weapon.

Furthermore, all enemies within melee reach of the Annihilation weapon are revealed to the wielder, even if they are concealed, stealthed, faded, or behind partial or total cover, even if the wielder does not have line of sight or line of effect to them. Attacks made against such foes do not suffer any miss chance from partial or total Concealment, and such enemies do not gain any AC bonus from being behind partial cover or total cover. In this way, an Annihilation weapon can strike an enemy who is within melee reach, even if they are behind a wall or closed door (though the wall or door are unharmed by this act of unexpected violence).

Annihilation weapons, as with any attack that deals force damage, count as both corporeal and incorporeal. Because the weapon exists fully in both a corporeal and incorporeal state, it ignores the 50% reduction in damage that is normally granted to incorporeal creatures, or when the wielder and the target exist in different corporeal states. It also deals normal damage to targets in the same corporeal (or incorporeal) state as its wielder.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 72), a mythic remnant (tier 8), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.