Auramancy - Shadow Form - Major

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Shadow Form - Major

Daily: Move Action

Target: Self

Effect: Once per day, the scion can transform herself into living shadow, gaining the insubstantial quality (see PHB page 277) and gaining a fly speed equal to her move speed. While in Shadow Form the scion is counted as 'Tiny' for squeezing movement, can move through enemy squares and occupy them, and can squeeze through doors (and possibly other openings with DM approval) without having to open them.

Effect: While in Shadow Form the Scion does not lose any reach they may have, can attack normally, can attack enemies while occupying either their squares or their allies squares, and can perform all actions as normal.

Effect: This power grants the Scion concealment. While in shadows (dim light), the scion gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks and a +15 bonus to Stealth checks when in complete darkness.

Duration: This ability lasts until the Scion cancels it (a minor action), or until the end of the encounter, or for up to the scion's level in minutes if used outside of combat.