Bill (Weapon)

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Bill 2-Hand / Martial [edit]
Cost Sm Dmg Med Dmg Large Dmg Crit Range Wt Type
8 gp 1d10 3d4 5d4 x3 - 10 lbs Slashing (physical, common)
Weapon Qualities: Pilfering, Reach
A bill is a hefty forward hooked blade sharpened on the inner curve only. They are simple and sturdy devices, granting the user reach, and they hit really hard, even for polearms. Bills are surprisingly common as tools and farm implements, where they are called brush hooks or pruning hooks. In the hands of a user with martial weapons skill, the lowly farm implement becomes an extremely lethal, if unsophisticated, weapon. They are long enough that they allow attacks and threaten against squares ten feet (2 squares) from the wielder, but do not allow attacks or threaten adjacent squares. The Bill belongs to the "Polearms" weapon group.