Death or Glory (Feat)

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Even when facing a dangerous foe, you aren't afraid to take great risks in order to finish the fight.

Prerequisites: BAB +6, Power Attack (Feat)

Benefit: When you declare a full attack action, you may also elect to drop your defenses to maximize your attack. When you use this feat, you choose a single enemy creature. You must declare a full attack action against that target using melee attacks. You gain a +3 circumstance bonus on all melee attack and damage rolls you make during that full attack against that creature. This circumstance bonus increases to +4 at 11th level, +5 at 21st level, and +6 at 31st level.

After you resolve each of your attacks, the opponent you targeted may immediately make an attack of opportunity against you, at their highest attack bonus, but also adding in the same circumstance bonuses to-hit and damage. The foe must have an attack of opportunity available.