Discouraging Word (Feat)

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Your words are your most shattering weapon.

Prerequisites: Warlord 21, Heedful Jeer (Feat)

Benefit: Any time the Warlord applies either Heedful Jeer (Feat) or Heedful Jibe (Feat) to an enemy with resistance to or immunity to fear, the Heedful Jibe or Heedful Jeer affects it normally, piercing the resistance or immunity.

In addition, the Warlord may now choose to inflict either the normal effects of Heedful Jibe or Heedful Jeer, or, they may replace those effects with the Startled condition.

Special: Any enemy that is affected by Discouraging Word loses their resistance or immunity to fear until the Heedful Jibe or Heedful Jeer ends.