Diving, True (Armor Magic Property)

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Diving, True (Armor Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +6 (epic)

You must be level 21 or higher to equip, wield or wear an item with this property.

This armor grants the wearer a Greater Swim speed of 90 feet, or adds 90 feet of any kind of swimming speed if they already have a swim movement. As normal, this allows charges, running, withdrawals, and five foot steps while in the water. At the GM's discretion, the armor may allow the armor's powers to operate in other fluids, such as blood, magma, acid, or alcohol. The wearer may breathe and see normally underwater, and can fight with no penalties under water. On land, the armor provides ER 40/desiccation (energy, uncommon) damage only.

This special ability also grants the wearer powerful life support against the deep, pelagic nature of the Dark Sea, granting the following abilities:

  • The wearer is enveloped in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all harmful vapors and gases, such as cloud kill and stinking cloud.
  • The wearer is immune to all poisons and diseases, including magical poisons and diseases such as mummy rot.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 50), a intense remnant (tier 4), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.