Invigorating (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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Invigorating (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +2

Once per day, upon issuing a command word as a swift action, the weapon infuses its wielder with vigor. If its wielder is Fatigued, the weapon removes the fatigue. If Exhausted, the wielder becomes fatigued instead. If neither exhausted nor fatigued, the wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls and a +10-foot circumstance bonus to all modes of movement possessed until the end of the encounter.

Special: This weapon may be activated as part of a Charge maneuver. If so activated, its movement bonus applies to the Charge.

Special: If the wielder drops a non-minion living foe to zero or fewer hit points with an attack by this weapon, they can trigger this property's effect as free action, or recharge the daily use of this property's effect, if it has been expended already.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 23), a languid remnant (tier 1), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.