Maneuver Offense

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Maneuver Offense

Maneuver offense is a generic term for a skill check to perform a combat maneuver. The combat maneuvers and their associated skill checks are:
Combat Maneuver Skill Action Required Description
Bull Rush Might Attack Action Shove an enemy away from you
Charge Movement Standard Action Move directly up to a foe and attack them
Clamber Movement Attack Action Crawl underneath, or climb on top of a foe
Cleave Might Attack Action Attack a foe adjacent to a foe you just attacked
Demoralize Intimidate Attack Action Shake the confidence of a foe
Dirty Trick Sleight of Hand Attack Action Discombobulate your foe using an unconventional attack
Disarm Sleight of Hand Attack Action Strip a weapon out of the hands of your foe
Dismantle Trap Disable Device Attack Action Deal siege damage to a trap
Drag Might Attack Action Pull yourself and a foe backwards
Feint Bluff Attack Action Make your foe drop their guard momentarily
Grapple Might Standard Action Tackle your foe and wrestle them into submission
Overrun Movement Standard Action Run through an enemy's space and knock them prone
Reposition Sleight of Hand Attack Action Shove an enemy into the space of your choosing
Shield Bash Might Attack Action Rattle an opponent by hitting them with your shield
Steal Sleight of Hand Attack Action Why wait until they're dead to loot them?
Subdue Sleight of Hand Attack Action Incapacitate your foe instead of killing them
Sunder Might Attack Action Destroy your foe's weapon or shield
Trip Sleight of Hand Attack Action Sweep the leg, and lay them out flat
Tumble Acrobatics Move Action at half speed Get yourself into a bad situation, hopefully unscathed
Withdraw Movement Standard Action Get yourself out of a bad situation, hopefully unscathed

Combat maneuvers are performed by making a skill check with the appropriate skill, versus a DC of the target creature's Maneuver Defense. If the check equals or exceeds this target DC, the maneuver is successful. Refer to the individual maneuvers to resolve the outcome of this success.