Orc Battle-Rager (Basic Lore)

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Orc Battle-Rager (CR 10)

Orc Battle-Rager
Chaotic Evil - Medium - Humanoid (Orc)
Orc Battle-Ragers have committed themselves fully to the Path of Blood, choosing a path of constant battle. As part of this violent credo, they drink a vile, tar-like concoction of secret and magical herbs to dull pain, heighten their alertness and feed their aggression. Due to the herb-fueled savagery thus induced, many Orc Battle-Ragers die bloodily within the first few years of their apprenticeship to their tribe's Warlord. Those that survive go on to become Orc Centurions. Orc Battle-Ragers are recognizable by their incredible ferocity but lack of martial precision.