Secret Keeper (Talent)

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Well, it also helps that you're pretty stubborn when you want to be.

Ability Type: Ex

Prerequisites: Rogue 6

Benefit: A rogue gains a +1 training bonus per experience tier of the Rogue class that the rogue possesses, to all saving throws against any effect that would force them to speak the truth or that would detect their thoughts. Thus, the bonus increases to +2 with two tiers (Rogue level 6), +3 with three tiers (Rogue level 11), +4 with four tiers (Rogue level 16), +5 with five tiers (Rogue level 21), +6 with six tiers (Rogue level 26), and +7 if the rogue has all seven tiers of the Rogue class (Rogue level 31)).

In addition, if asked or commanded to speak the truth or reveal a piece of information while under a charm or compulsion, the rogue gets a new save against that charm or compulsion immediately, with this bonus.