Trident (Weapon)

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Trident 1-Hand / Martial [edit]
Cost Sm Dmg Med Dmg Large Dmg Crit Range Wt Type
15 gp 1d6 1d8 2d6 x2 20 ft 4 lbs Piercing (physical, common)
Weapon Qualities: Brace, Intimidating, Melee Capable, Pilfering
A trident is a combat version of a farmers pitchfork, despite the common association with aquatic creatures. Given its humble beginnings, the trident is a remarkably effective weapon. Used in one hand it's as good at cut and thrust as a longsword, although less likely to do devastating damage. The real joy, though, is the fact that the broad spread of the three sharp tips allows the wielder to effectively brace the weapon against charges using only one hand! This is a real unpleasant surprise to those aggressive sorts looking to run you down. The Trident belongs to the "Spears" and "Thrown" weapon groups.