True Friend (Talent)

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With friends like you, who needs... no, wait. You're great. Really. Please don't hurt me.

Ability Type: Ex

Prerequisites: Rogue 31

Benefit: Once per encounter, when a rogue with this talent is hit with a melee attack, they can redirect the attack to strike one of their allies instead of themselves. The ally targeted must be within melee reach of the attack that hit the rogue, and the creature that made the attack against the rogue must make a new attack roll against the selected ally.

If the rogue also has the Redirect Attack rogue talent, they may use the Redirect Attack ability once per encounter (instead of once per day), and may use the True Friend ability up to once per round. Furthermore, the Redirect Attack talent may be used in the same round as True Friend, though only on a different successful attack. Sharing is caring!