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Revision as of 21:18, 22 January 2020

Xeph are a race of humanoids, a bit shorter and slighter than Humans, whose distinctive cream-to-tan eyes are completely without iris or pupil, giving their gaze a blank quality that is frankly off-putting to many other races. On the face of it, Xeph are a handsome people, with long, fine-featured faces and finely-figured bodies. Their skin ranges in colors from a rich orange through creamy bronze tones to tan to deep, rich blues. Xeph are a mighty race, which makes their apparent rootlessness a puzzle: Why are such capable and competent people nomads?

Xeph can be encountered in small wandering bands almost anywhere, sometimes in wilderness camps, sometimes in caravans. By far the most likely place you will find Xeph is on ships, however. Xeph tend to prefer smallish 'tramp' style conveyances, such as river boats, barges, coasters, and the like. In more magically potent lands, they love air ships, and where such things are possible, they are almost obsessively interested in living and working on such conveyances.
Xeph tend to be quiet and polite, fairly good neighbors, but there is a core of darkness in them. If a Xeph feels they can rightfully use or exploit others, they will do so as naturally as breathing. They can and will lend aid, but if they do, they expect to be compensated in some way.
Xeph in the wilderness are dangerous to meet. If they encounter strangers, a xeph's first inclination is to see what they can get out of the encounter, and if their mental calculus runs to 'kill them, hide the bodies, and sell their stuff', then that's what the Xeph will do, without hesitation, compunction, or remorse. Xeph's respect the rule of law, however, and will generally abide by whatever rules there are in their adopted cultures.
The important thing to remember about the Xeph, the critical thing, is that the Xeph, no matter their appearance, smiles, or words, do not possess the Spark. They are not civilized, any more than an ogre is civilized, and a xeph, despite their inoffensive appearance and willingness to obey societal rules, are mighty and deadly monsters.
Caution is advised when dealing with any xeph. Deal from a position of strength, never turn your back if you are alone with them, and never, ever, go with them to a private place.