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Grimlock Dweller (CR 1)

Grimlock Dweller
Chaotic Evil - Medium - Monstrous Humanoid
Grimlocks are foul, savage, and degenerate fiends who have specialized, over dark eons, in living in darkness. They are squat, coarse, muscular wretches, with heavy-featured, eyeless faces. They wear skins and carry heavy axes of bone and chipped rock, and have uniformly gray skin with a liberal dose of dirt and rock dust. Surprisingly, grimlocks have very little smell.

Orcs, goblins, and even the lowly norkers, are able to live in many different places. But Grimlocks are experts at living in the dark, to the point that they no longer even have eyes.

It is not known if Grimlocks traded away their sight for some other dark gift, or if they merely allowed their sight to wither over time. What is known is that grimlocks have very good hearing and can smell out their enemies, to boot.

Grimlocks are rarely found above ground, especially in the daytime, but they can sometimes be found in dark forests, coming out at night. In dungeons, ruins, and sewers, they are quite common, but they really prefer to live in caves, caverns, and dank, dark places beneath the earth, like tombs and catacombs.

Whenever they are encountered, they are timid but despicable, and will usually work themselves up into a savage attack.