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== Doppelganger Enforcer (CR 9) ==
== Doppelganger Enforcer (CR 9) ==
Referees should adjust the numbers presented below by small amounts to better fit the theme of the monster being converted.
Doppelgangers are a strange race of shape shifters that act as parasites of entire civilizations.  Their mindset is alien compared to most humanoid races, and their ability to steal the identity of others triggers nearly universal revulsion.  Doppelgangers may exactly and perfectly mimic anyone they have had a chance to touch for a few seconds.

<insert descriptive text here>
What is not widely known about Doppelgangers, is that they come in many castes.  They all have the ability to perfectly mimic other creatures, and they are all parasites thst subsist upon the civilizations of others, but the Doppekgangers do not care very much about that at all.
The reason that Doppelgangers are so little engaged with the other societies is two-fold:
First, Doppelgangers are really, truly alien, both in their natural appearance and in their mental and spiritual processes.  They have no souls, nor do they have spirits.  They aren't even really alive in the same way as other races, and it is unclear if they even eat food or breathe air.  They have very little in common with other races.
Second, Doppelgangers are utterly and completely consumed by their war.  Plain Doppelgangers, the ones that are CR4 and relatively common, are little more than mindless drones, pawns that exist to breed and infiltrate the world.  The higher level Doppelgangers are the only one who are aware of their secret war and they are responsible for prosecuting it, to the exclusion of all other tasks.  Everything is devoted to the War, every waking moment consumed with prosecuting the War or building up to make another attack.
On the very rare occasions when a Doppelganger has been captured and interrogated, their answers, made in Kern, make no sense at all.  The Doppelgangers seems to be at war with themselves, absolutely and implacably.  No outsider has ever figured out what factions or divisions exist in Doppelganger 'society', if such a thing can even be said to exist.
Most Doppelgangers are the low level ones, placidly subsisting on the largesse of the society's they infest.  But many Doppelgangers are much more sinister and menacing, and are driven implacably to seek out and destroy other Doppelgangers.  Whether a Doppelganger will see another as foe or ally seems completely random.
It should be noted that Doppelgangers and Vampires, where they co-exist, are usually implacable enemies as well, but for different reasons.  Doppelgangers and Vampires both infest and feed off of larger societies,, and so they see each othe as competitors and will seek to destroy the other whenever they find each other.
Doppelganger Enforcers are the least of the 'Awakened' Doppelgangers, those who are aware of the larger War and actively and aggressively work to find and defeat their shapeshifting enemies.  Enforcers with Stolen Form running are just as well concealed as any Doppelganger, but when they drop their Stolen Form they swell to massively thewed killing engines that are fast, durable, and terrible in battle.  Enforcers are often the 'shock troops' sent along with a higher ranking Doppelganger, and are the disposable heavy troops of the War, used by all factions and sides in that inscrutable conflict. 

Revision as of 22:36, 29 November 2014

Doppelganger Enforcer (CR 9)

Doppelgangers are a strange race of shape shifters that act as parasites of entire civilizations. Their mindset is alien compared to most humanoid races, and their ability to steal the identity of others triggers nearly universal revulsion. Doppelgangers may exactly and perfectly mimic anyone they have had a chance to touch for a few seconds.

What is not widely known about Doppelgangers, is that they come in many castes. They all have the ability to perfectly mimic other creatures, and they are all parasites thst subsist upon the civilizations of others, but the Doppekgangers do not care very much about that at all.

The reason that Doppelgangers are so little engaged with the other societies is two-fold:

First, Doppelgangers are really, truly alien, both in their natural appearance and in their mental and spiritual processes. They have no souls, nor do they have spirits. They aren't even really alive in the same way as other races, and it is unclear if they even eat food or breathe air. They have very little in common with other races.

Second, Doppelgangers are utterly and completely consumed by their war. Plain Doppelgangers, the ones that are CR4 and relatively common, are little more than mindless drones, pawns that exist to breed and infiltrate the world. The higher level Doppelgangers are the only one who are aware of their secret war and they are responsible for prosecuting it, to the exclusion of all other tasks. Everything is devoted to the War, every waking moment consumed with prosecuting the War or building up to make another attack.

On the very rare occasions when a Doppelganger has been captured and interrogated, their answers, made in Kern, make no sense at all. The Doppelgangers seems to be at war with themselves, absolutely and implacably. No outsider has ever figured out what factions or divisions exist in Doppelganger 'society', if such a thing can even be said to exist.

Most Doppelgangers are the low level ones, placidly subsisting on the largesse of the society's they infest. But many Doppelgangers are much more sinister and menacing, and are driven implacably to seek out and destroy other Doppelgangers. Whether a Doppelganger will see another as foe or ally seems completely random.

It should be noted that Doppelgangers and Vampires, where they co-exist, are usually implacable enemies as well, but for different reasons. Doppelgangers and Vampires both infest and feed off of larger societies,, and so they see each othe as competitors and will seek to destroy the other whenever they find each other.

Doppelganger Enforcers are the least of the 'Awakened' Doppelgangers, those who are aware of the larger War and actively and aggressively work to find and defeat their shapeshifting enemies. Enforcers with Stolen Form running are just as well concealed as any Doppelganger, but when they drop their Stolen Form they swell to massively thewed killing engines that are fast, durable, and terrible in battle. Enforcers are often the 'shock troops' sent along with a higher ranking Doppelganger, and are the disposable heavy troops of the War, used by all factions and sides in that inscrutable conflict.


CR 9 Hit Dice 14

XP 6,400

<alignment> <size> <racial keyword>

Init +4; Senses <any special senses (darkvision, low-light, tremorsense, etc.)>, Perception +14


AC 28, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +6 dex, +5 natural, +2 deflection)

hp 160

Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +8 <swap as needed; only one strong save>

Aura: -

SR: - <19, if any>

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 30 ft. <adjust as needed; list other movement types here also>

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. <adjust as needed>

Single Melee <melee weapon> +15 (2d8+3/19-20x2)

or: Single Melee Bite +15 (2d8+1/x2)

Full Melee 2x <melee weapon> +15 (2d8+3/19-20x2)

or: Full Melee Bite +15 (2d8+1/x2), 2x Claws +15 (2d6/x2)

Ranged <optional ranged attack> +15 (2d8+3/x2)

Special Attacks <copy from source; only list ability names here; describe below>

Action Points 0 <common monsters never have action points, named monsters often have one.>


Str XX, Dex XX, Con XX, Int XX, Wis XX, Cha XX <copy from source>

Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 25

Feats <pick one or two thematically relevant feats; avoid complicated ones.>

Skills <choose only if relevant, values around 1.5 x creature’s CR>

Languages <copy from source>


<special abilities should have a save DC 19>

<special attack damage (standard action): 5d6>

<special attack damage (aoe’s, swift actions or inflicting status effects): 2d6+1>

<ability name>

<ability description>

<ability name>

<ability description>


sell value of approximately 4,000 gp


<describe typical actions taken during combat here>