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'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 5 ft.
'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 5 ft.

'''Single Melee''' Tentacle Strike +8 (1d8+1/x2)
'''Single Melee''' Tentacle Strike +8 (1d8+4/x2)

'''Full Melee''' Tentacle Swarm, +8 (2d6+1/x2) as a ten foot cone attack
'''Full Melee''' Tentacle Swarm, +8 (1d8+6/x2) as a ten foot cone attack

'''Ranged''' -  
'''Ranged''' -  
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; Tentacle Swarm (Ex)
; Tentacle Swarm (Ex)
As a full attack action, a Grick may use Tentacle Swarm to attack all creatures in a ten foot by ten foot square adjacent to its space.  It rolls to hit once against each foe in the area of effect, and if it hits, it does 2d6+1 of damage to each foe struck.     
As a full attack action, a Grick may use Tentacle Swarm to attack all creatures in a ten foot by ten foot square adjacent to its space.  It rolls to hit once against each foe in the area of effect, and if it hits, it does 1d8+6 of damage to each foe struck.     

Revision as of 15:09, 10 May 2015


Grick (CR 4)

Gricks are wormlike alchemical abominations which were created eons ago by the same kind of madmen that thought owlbears and bulettes were a great idea. Gricks have a darkly mottled skin texture rather akin to a garden slug, but unlike a slug, a grick is the very paragon of rubbery durability. Even worse, Gricks can change their color, slowly, over the space of hours, to match the territory they inhabit.

Gricks have four sturdy tentacles at the front of their bodies, liberally equipped with rasping bone scutes and octopus-like suckers. These suckers extend to their pale bellies, as well. Mercifully, the suckers are of little use in combat, instead granting the horrible things a climb speed, and allowing them to drag prey with un-nerving ease.

An adult grick is about 8 feet long from the tips of its tentacles to the end of its body and weighs some 200 pounds. Its body coloration is uniformly dark, with a pale underbelly, although the exact color can and will change.

Although of animal intelligence, grick's are inherently and utterly evil, and will attack with cruel intent even when not hungry.


CR 4 Hit Dice 5

XP 1,200

NE Medium aberration

Init +2; Senses Scent, dark vision 60ft, Perception +6, Weapon Sense


AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +3 dex, +3 natural, +0 deflection)

hp 35

Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 10/magic

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 30 ft. , Climb 20 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Tentacle Strike +8 (1d8+4/x2)

Full Melee Tentacle Swarm, +8 (1d8+6/x2) as a ten foot cone attack

Ranged -

Special Attacks Tentacle Swarm

Action Points 0


Str 14, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 3 Wis 14, Cha 5

Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 18

Feats -

Skills Stealth 3, Stealth 8 if adapted to their hunting area

Languages -


Tentacle Swarm (Ex)

As a full attack action, a Grick may use Tentacle Swarm to attack all creatures in a ten foot by ten foot square adjacent to its space. It rolls to hit once against each foe in the area of effect, and if it hits, it does 1d8+6 of damage to each foe struck.

Weapon Sense (Su)

If any grick in a combat is damaged by a magical weapon that pierces its DR, all gricks in the combat know which of their enemies have that magic weapon and will target it if possible. If they cannot reach the foe with the magical weapon safely, they will fight normally. Multiple foes with magical weapons will be targeted as evenly as possible, and if there are more magical weapons than gricks, they will flee the battle if possible.


sell value of approximately 1,125 gp


Gricks attack when hungry, threatened, or when they feel like killing something. They are vicious killers, but are oddly capricious, sometimes crawling right past prey even when hungry. They hunt by holing up near high-traffic areas, using their natural coloration to blend into convenient shadows. When prey (virtually anything that moves) ventures near, they lash out with their tentacles, seeking to get as many victims in their tentacle swarms as often as possible.

Defensively, a grick’s rubbery body seems to shed blows of any kind and they will crawl into melee without fear unless they are attacked by a magical weapon. The wielder of a magical weapon is immediately targeted for death by all gricks in a combat. How they all know when one of them is attacked with magic is a mystery.

Their jaws are relatively small and weak compared to its body mass, so rather than consume prey immediately, a grick normally drags victims back to their lair to be eaten at leisure.

A grick’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Multiple gricks do not fight in concert. Each attacks the prey closest to it, and breaks off the fight as soon as it can drag dead or unconscious prey away. If foes have magical weapons and don't die in a round of concerted attack, gricks will flee the fight by climbing away if possible.