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'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 10 ft. (using reach weapons)
'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 10 ft. (using reach weapons)

'''Single Melee''' Halberd +16 (2d8+1/19-20x2) plus Reach
'''Single Melee''' Halberd +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2) plus Reach

'''Full Melee''' 3x Halberd +16 (2d8+1/19-20x2) plus Reach
'''Full Melee''' 3x Halberd +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2) plus Reach

'''Ranged''' Throwing Axe +16 (2d8+1/x2)   
'''Ranged''' Throwing Axe +16 (2d8+6/x2)   

'''Special Attacks'''  Hell's Heart
'''Special Attacks'''  Hell's Heart

Revision as of 18:09, 10 May 2015


Legion Devil (CR 11)

Unlike the hordes of demons in the Abyss, the legions of Hell are numbered, though they are vast. They cannot hope to outnumber their foes or crush them under the mass of their engines of creation, as the Abyss intends. Instead, Hell has a plan. Actually, hundreds of plans. Thousands. The devils of Hell are organized, methodical and patient.

Legion devils are the front line fighters, the perimeter of Hell's offensive line. They march in ranks, and use tactics to improve the company's effectiveness. While this may sound uninspiring, the legions of Hell are elite warriors. They are fierce, unflinching, highly mobile and absurdly competent.


CR 11 Hit Dice 16

XP 12,800

LE Medium Outsider (Devil)

Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +17


AC 30, touch 18, flat-footed 25 (+7 armor, +5 dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection) (see Phalanx Tactics)

hp 229

Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +10 (see Phalanx Tactics)

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 10/silver or good, ER 20/acid, ER 20/cold, ER 20/electricity, ER 20/negative energy

Immunities: fire, poison, disease

Weaknesses: -


Speed Teleport 40 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 10 ft. (using reach weapons)

Single Melee Halberd +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2) plus Reach

Full Melee 3x Halberd +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2) plus Reach

Ranged Throwing Axe +16 (2d8+6/x2)

Special Attacks Hell's Heart

Action Points 0


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 15

Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 27

Feats Combat Reflexes (up to 3 AOO's per round)


Languages Infernal


Phalanx Tactics

Any time a devil has at least two legion devils adjacent to him, his AC and saves improve by +4. This bonus applies to normal, touch and flat-footed AC, as well as Fort, Reflex and Will saving throws. The bonus provided by Phalanx Tactics does not stack, so the maximum bonus it can provide is +4. Note that this bonus can be applied to any adjacent devil, not just legion devils.

Hell's Heart

Once per encounter, a legion devil can, as a swift action, select a space within 30 feet of him and cause a 3x3 area centered on that space to erupt in flames. Any creature in the affected area takes 3d6 points of fire damage. This damage is doubled if an affected creature has a Good alignment (LG, NG or CG). All affected creatures may make a Reflex saving throw, DC 20, to reduce this damage by half.

In addition, the fire created by this ability lingers until the end of the encounter, and any creature passing through one or more burning square suffers 1d6+4 points of fire damage for each square passed through, and this damage is doubled if they are Good aligned. There is no Reflex save for this damage since it is avoidable. Stacked patches of Hell's Heart do not increase the damage done.


Outsiders disappear on death, leaving no treasure behind. Normal creatures for this CR usually drop treasure with a sell value of approximately 6,500 gp. GM's may wish to track this and increase the wealth of a future encounter. (Often it's a good idea to 'save up' treasure before big encounters, such as dragons, to justify the horde of treasure such encounters can drop, and not unbalance 'wealth by level' when doing so.)


Legion devils like to fight in trios and quads, using their Phalanx Tactics ability to bolster their defenses. They use halberds, which are reach weapons, meaning they can attack creatures at 10 feet but not at 5. Furthermore, they do not threaten adjacent squares. By fighting in trios and quads, however, they can threaten a huge area while also granting their Phalanx Tactics benefit to eachother.

Legion devils will use Hell's Heart to block off areas of the fight, and to split their attackers into separate areas. They will also use their teleportation to attack the back ranks of a fight, or force opponents to maneuver through the patches of Hell's Heart to engage with them. Because teleportation never provokes attacks of opportunity, Legion Devils can pick exactly who they want to target each round with relative impunity.

Legion devils will never run from a fight, since death in the Prime Material plane is not real death, simply banishment back to the Hells.