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; Regeneration (Ex)
; Regeneration (Ex)
Cave Trolls regenerate 20 points of damage at the start of their turns.  However, if the troll takes any fire or acid damage, he cannot regenerate on the following turn (but see Burst of Speed, below).  Regeneration will allow a troll to reattach severed limbs or regrow them if they aren't available for reattachment.  Regeneration continues to operate even past death, and a troll can only be killed by burning the body or immersing it in acid until it is completely destroyed.   
Cave Trolls regenerate 20 points of damage at the start of their turns.  However, if the troll takes any fire or acid damage, he cannot regenerate on the following turn (but see Burst of Speed, below).  Regeneration will allow a troll to reattach severed limbs or regrow them if they aren't available for reattachment.  This regeneration continues to operate even past 'death', and a troll can only be killed by burning the body or immersing it in acid until it is completely destroyed. In game terms, players must inflict the troll's hitpoints in damage again, using fire or acid damage, to completely destroy the bodyBurning it in a large fire such as a massive bonfire, a house or building fire, lava, or a forest fire, will also work. It takes ten minutes for a fire to consume a trolls body completely, although lava or magic can get the job done much more quickly.

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* It gains one additional bite attack in its next attack action.
* It gains one additional bite attack in its next attack action.
* It immediately gains a move action.
* It immediately gains a move action.

=== TREASURE ===
=== TREASURE ===

Revision as of 19:12, 10 May 2015


Cave Troll (CR 9)

Cave Trolls are bigger, meaner, and much, much faster than regular trolls, but have weak eyes so that they actively avoid being out in daylight. As a consequence, Cave Trolls are almost always found in cave systems, dungeons, dark ruins, and the like. But that said, Cave Trolls pride themselves on their intelligence and sense of adventure, and the murderous fiends can be found roaming the surface at night, even up to a few hours walk from their lairs.

Given how fast Cave Trolls walk, that's a really long way, too.

Cave Trolls look exactly like their smaller Troll cousins, except that while Trolls are almost skinny, Cave Trolls are quite meaty. They are the same height and have the same reach, but a Cave Troll will weigh triple what a regular Troll weighs.

Despite their bulk, Cave Trolls are ridiculously fast and quick, and their agility has to be seen to be believed. They can shamble on their long bulky legs as fast as a horse can run, and when they put on a burst of speed, its sobering and educational, to put it mildly.


CR 9 Hit Dice 14

XP 6,400

CE, Large, Monstrous Humanoid(Giant)

Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision 120 ft., Scent, Perception +18


AC 28, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +6 dex, +5 natural, +2 deflection)

hp 160

Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +8

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: Burst of Speed, Regeneration 20 (fire and acid)

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 60 ft, Climb 20ft

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Bite +15 (2d8+8/x2)

Full Melee Bite +15 (2d8+8/x2), 2x Claws +15 (2d6+1/x2)

Ranged Rock +15 (2d8+8/x2), range increment 30 feet

Special Attacks Burst of Speed

Action Points 0


Str 26, Dex 20, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8

Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 26

Feats Combat Reflexes (EFFECT: Up to six attacks of opportunity per round), Mobility (EFFECT: AC32 vs attacks of opportunity caused by its own movement)

Skills Stealth +18, Perception +18

Languages Common, Giant


Regeneration (Ex)

Cave Trolls regenerate 20 points of damage at the start of their turns. However, if the troll takes any fire or acid damage, he cannot regenerate on the following turn (but see Burst of Speed, below). Regeneration will allow a troll to reattach severed limbs or regrow them if they aren't available for reattachment. This regeneration continues to operate even past 'death', and a troll can only be killed by burning the body or immersing it in acid until it is completely destroyed. In game terms, players must inflict the troll's hitpoints in damage again, using fire or acid damage, to completely destroy the body. Burning it in a large fire such as a massive bonfire, a house or building fire, lava, or a forest fire, will also work. It takes ten minutes for a fire to consume a trolls body completely, although lava or magic can get the job done much more quickly.

Burst of Speed (Su)

Once per encounter, as a swift action, a Cave Troll may generate a tremendous burst of speed. This grants it several benefits.

  • Its Regeneration ticks, healing it for 20 points of damage. If its regeneration was disabled this round because of fire or acid damage, that disability is cleared.
  • It gains one additional bite attack in its next attack action.
  • It immediately gains a move action.


sell value of approximately 4,000 gp


Cave Trolls are surprisingly capable combatants. They love to drop onto unsuspecting victims from the ceiling, counting on their large size and heavyset looks to make it unlikely that people will look up for something so large. It's eerie watching a Cave Troll climbing with fluid agility, their massive hands and toes clinging to rock and wood like a gecko's toes.

They will charge into melee combat otherwise, using their high land speed to get into melee. Note that they cannot use Burst of Speed after a charge! They need a swift action to trigger it.

In general, some Cave Trolls use Burst of Speed as soon as possible, so they can move and take a full attack with the extra attack. Other Cave Trolls will save it, and use it to flee a battle that's going poorly.

In combat, Cave Trolls are just horrible to deal with. They use five foot steps to open the range, and they just beat the melee sorts to death with attacks of opportunity due to their reach and Combat Reflexes. They are smart enough to bypass a strong melee combatant and go attack the back of the party, too. They know what healers are, and don't like them. If they can't reach the back line, they carry some handy rocks, too.

If things are going poorly, Cave Trolls will abandon a battle to go regenerate, think things over, and come back again for another try. Doing this gives players a hard choice: Pursue the fleeing cave trolls, or neutralize the very quickly regenerating one's they've defeated already.