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Revision as of 17:25, 6 March 2019 by Reese (talk | contribs)
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Many undead creatures, such as this one, cannot be killed by normal means. However, it will lie shattered and dormant after being defeated for as long as a century before rising again to seek to rid the world of life. Casting either Sanctify Corpse (Spell) or Gentle Repose (Spell) on the defeated corpse of the creature will add an additional one hundred years to the time it takes for it to re-compose. Laying the defeated corpse on consecrated ground for a full day will prevent it from ever rising again, as will casting Rest Eternal (Spell) on it. Applying Raise Dead (Spell), Resurrection (Spell), or using similar life-giving abilities will restore the original soul back to the corpse, bringing that person back to life and permanently destroying the necromantic animus that had possessed the body previously. This creature's body will never decay (further than it already has) nor age due to time or neglect.