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This monster skulks and creeps, but is even more dangerous because of their sly skill.
  • Sneaks count as 2 monsters for purposes of encounter size, XP award, and treasure.
  • Sneaks have the same number of hit points as monsters with the same CR.
  • Sneaks get a +4 adjustment to their initiative.
  • Sneaks inflict Single damage with their attacks, applied as a combination of increased damage and increased number of attacks.
  • Sneaks get 1 action point(s).
  • Sneaks have the following special abilities:

Flash Bomb! (Ex; Sneak Role) Immediate Action
Once per encounter, a Sneak may initiate stealth even if they are being observed. This is an immediate action if used outside their turn, or a swift action if used during their turn. When they do so, they may slide up to 2 squares (10 feet), if they wish, as part of the same action.

This ability cannot be used to prevent an attack that has already been declared against them, but it can be used prior to such a declaration.

Unseen Assassin (Ex; Sneak Role) Always On
Sneaks always have the Stealth skill with a value 5 higher than their "all other skills" value (this is already included in the numbers listed in the Skills section, above).

Backstab (Ex; Sneak Role) Always On
Sneaks gain +2 to hit and add a +1d6 bonus to their damage (as precision damage) when they make an attack against a target that is unaware of them, or a target they are flanking. The bonus to-hit is in addition to any bonus they may receive for flanking, or any AC penalty the target may be suffering for being flat-footed, etc.