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Shrieker (CR 1)

Shriekers are nasty fungi who have taken the whole 'live on decaying matter' to the logical extreme, by killing everything that moves anywhere close to them.

As plants they obviously have no mind at all, but intelligent monsters will often cultivate shriekers as 'living burglar alarms'. This strategy works well, as long as you are always careful to stay well away from their planter once it's established.


CR 1 Hit Dice 2

XP 400

N Small Plant

Init +1; Senses blindsight 60 ft., Perception +4


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 dex, +0 natural, +0 deflection)

hp 20

Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1

Aura: -, but see Shriek

SR: -

Special Defenses: Plant traits

Immunities: Plant traits

Weaknesses: -


Speed 0 ft. Shriekers are immobile and have no speed.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Spore Puff +4 (1d8/x2)

Full Melee 2x Spore Puff +4 (1d8/x2)

Ranged None, but see Shriek

Special Attacks Shriek

Action Points 0


Str 9, Dex 10, Con 13, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 12

Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15

Feats -

Skills -

Languages -


Shriek (Su)

Light sources or movement that gets within ten feet of a shrieker will cause it to emit an incredibly loud shrieking howl of sound. The source of the sound is easy to find as the shrieker pulses and sways, and the escaping gas is tinged putrid yellow-green with spores. The shrieker will continue to emit this sound as an aura until everything is dead or the combat ends or it is killed. To maintain the Shriek aura is a move action that the Shrieker will use every round.

The Shriek inflicts 1d4 of Sonic damage to everything in the aura when the Shrieker uses its move action. Note that all Shriekers are immune to all other Shrieker's auras, and that line of effect is required for the Sonic damage to be inflicted.


Sell value of approximately 213 gp.


Shriekers are mindless, so they always behave the same way. Their 60 feet of blindsense makes them very difficult to surprise, but they will only begin to make sound when creatures get within ten feet. If a creature moves adjacent to a shrieker, it will attack that creature with the jets of spores being emitted as part of the Shriek aura. This attack uses a standard action as any normal attack does. Shrieker spores are not poisonous, they're just sharp and gritty and annoying, like being attacked by a sandblaster.