Cursebreaker Rage (Feat)

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The howling madness of your fury wreaks havoc on magics sent your way.

Prerequisites: Barbarian 21, Primal Rage (Feat), Superstition rage power

Benefit: By spending 2 rounds of rage every round, a barbarian with this feat gains Spell Resistance (SR) with a Weak value as though caused by a caster level equal to her barbarian level. Each time she gains another level, the effective caster level of the SR improves as well (remaining at Weak). This resistance can be lowered for 1 round as a standard action. This extra rage is in addition to whatever rage you must spend to actually rage each round.

Special: If the barbarian also has the Celestial Totem, Greater rage power, she instead gains Average SR for her level. This SR now blocks all spells or spell-like abilities, not just those cast by evil creatures.