Warping (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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  • Price: +5 bonus
  • Aura strong conjuration; CL 26th; Weight

When the wielder of a warping weapon declares a full attack action, this triggers the warping power of this weapon. After any successful strike against an enemy made during a full attack, the wielder may teleport up to sixty feet with the caveat that they must make a melee attack against a foe when they arrive. This power may be used once per encounter, and is adjudicated similarly to dimension door as regards line of effect/line of sight. Thus, the warping weapon may move once per encounter in the middle of a full attack action, and there must be a valid foe in melee range both before and after the teleport is used. While this effect does not break Stealth, per se, given the visible doorway, stealth attempts made on the round the Dimension Door is active are made at -20.

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimension door