Talk:Eyes Slot Magic Items

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Revision as of 17:22, 10 August 2019 by Reese (talk | contribs)
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Ectoplasmic Spell (Feat) item. also allows seeing ethereal/invis? hrrrm, expensive
Focused Spell (Feat) item
eyes of the eagle = gives scaling +1 to +3 bonus on perception checks, gives scaling +10 to +40 foot increases to the perception range. nine items issue: cannot make perception checks or other skill roles involving reading anything in your own or adjacent squares.

*** should add in an inherent bonus to perception as well (+1 to +35, should be cheap, since it can't bring your total ranks above your level
goggles of minute seeing = scaling bonus to find traps, disarm device, knowledge skill rolls made in a Library, and barter skill rolls to purchase and sell to a merchant. issue; cannot make skill rolls against anything beyond your occupied or adjacent squares.

*** should add in an inherent bonus to disarm, knowledge, etc. as well (+1 to +35, should be cheap, since it can't bring your total ranks above your level
pirates eyepatch = gain scaling brachiating move, swim speed, add BAB to scaling number of melee attacks you make with a flanking bonus
 Spectacles of Understanding = gain scaling bonuses to library research, linguistics checks to detect forgeries, barter skill rolls for buy and selling to merchants, detecting traps and hidden doors, and sense motive checks

*** should add in an inherent bonus to skills as well (+1 to +35, should be cheap, since it can't bring your total ranks above your level
eyes of the owl = gain low light vision to scaling distances, should improve racial low-light, should have a few levels (120', 240', and 480') and be CHEAP-ish at all levels.
kinsight goggles = as written, to scaling distances
goggles of shadow = changes all light levels to a scaling distance to dim light; should grant wearer mallori-vision, if they don't already have it. Starts at short range and scales to really good.  Could actually change the light levels around them.
goggles of night = grants scaling distance darkvision.
sniper goggles = grants a scaling increase beyond thirty feet for sneak attack, quarry, point blank shot, etc...
swordmaster's blindfold = as written, scaling  also adds reach?  hrrrm.  immune to blind vs sight, since you already are.  immune to gaze attacks