Goading Ki (Feat)

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Your plant a stinging goad of your Ki in the aura of your foes, forcing them to attend you or suffer.

Prerequisites: Monk 1

Related: Pin Down (Feat), Taunt(Feat)

Benefit: As a swift action once per round, the Monk may spend a point of Ki to place a spiritual goad upon one foe you can see. This foe must be within twenty feet plus five feet per two monk levels, round down. Foes who are subject to Goading Ki suffer a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, all saving throws, and all concentration checks, except those made against the monk, from the Ki charging their bodies. The only way to end this penalty is to end combat or successfully strike the Monk with a melee or ranged attack, thus grounding out the Ki.

Note: While a monk can apply Goading Ki to the same target over multiple rounds, causing the penalty to stack with itself, the entire penalty is wiped out if the goaded creature successfully strikes the monk. Missed attacks do not ground the ki and end the condition, only a successful hit will end the condition.