True Dweomers

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Work In Progress! This system is under development.

Llodwynn stood his ground, eyes closed, as the Stone Below sang to him. His tremorsense, more powerful than ever, showed him Tabriss kneeling humbly in her tent, dutiful to her Gods. Lars, sturdy and stubborn and so perfectly courageous, was watching the approach to their miserable cave, sparring verbally with the lounging Arnsibel, and losing, as always.

Lodwynn shut out his life-long companions, their bustle and calm and comfort, and meditated on his aura. In his mind's eye, his aura covered him like flowstone, endlessly complex, ever-so-slowly changing. Since he was born a Sorcerer, prominent in his imaginings were the potent knots of his innate spells, akin to complex geodes inset into that flowing stone aura.

This was nothing new, Llodwynn had felt those tiny nubbins of power in his aura since he first shed his rubble. Many years later, those knots of power were as familiar as ever, his birthright slowly welling up ever more and more power and complexity and strength.

Llodwynn ignored his spells, and looked deeper. Spells had been welling up out of his bloodline for his entire life, and he was pretty sure he could sense at least two or three new ones, slowly oozing their way to the surface. He ignored those nascent spells, they would be welcome and useful, but he was used to that.

After discounting his normal auric flows, the ebb and urge of his very lifeforce, and counting and setting aside all his vast array of spells...there was something else welling up in his aura.

This was new. It was not a spell, exactly, although it felt similar. It was fainter, but...much larger, and more complex, the 'geode' multilayered and full of depths. It was definitely part of his Bloodline, it was a potent magical ability, but it was...bigger than a spell. It was new, and fascinating, and Llodwynn, still as a stone, eyes closed and senses shuttered, smiled as he realized what this new thing must be.

True Dweomer.

True Dweomers are an old Epic system for magics 'better than spells'. Since it is a high-epic system, it is lower on the priority list and may develop slowly.

We have every intention of integrating these rules into Epic Path as the game matures, but it may be a while!

In the meantime, if you are an Epic caster we have LOTS of metamagic feats available that will allow you to use all those high-level spell slots. Few things are more fun than a Heightened, Perfected Wish. :)