Leathery Creature

From Epic Path
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Not just anybody can do this, you know. Well, okay, they can if they have this pattern. But otherwise...

Leathery Creature Pattern (+1 CR)

Subtype: add Leathery to subtypes

Leathery Creature is a pattern that can be added to any Creature, hereafter referred to as the base creature. Leathery adds a tough outer layer to a creature, be it thick skin, layers of callous or scar-tissue, a full suit of well-worn chainmail, a thick rubbery layer of ectoplasm or a layer of debris (brush, coals, gravel, etc) which has been crusted onto their surface. In all cases, their ugly, scabrously-tough appearance indicates that they are quite a bit more durable than you'd expect.

Leathery is a great Pattern for representing grizzled sergeants, battle-hardened veterans, and tough, stubborn survivors. It can also be used to show allegiance to a God of War, or some weird Cult of Pain. Maybe it is indicative of a tribe of Treants who have survived a forest fire, or a heavily reinforced Flesh Golem, or a truly tough Dragon. Maybe Leathery contructs are the 'signature item' of a famous Warlord or evil Emperor.

Leathery can also represent more exotic bad guys, like phase-bent Waspines, or Atropals wrapped in the ghosts of their dead universia. The possibilities are manifold, and GM's are encouraged to be creative, but fair.

This tough-looking creature is covered with scars, callouses, and a wary attitude.


Init: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Movement Types:
  • Increase all move speeds by 10 ft.


AC: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Special Defenses:
  • (Leathery Creature) Been There, Done That: Leathery Creatures gain DR1/Common and ER1/Common. If they already have Damage Resistance or Energy Resistance, this does not stack, they only receive the larger amount of protection against a given attack.
Strong Against:
Weak Against:


Space / Reach: - / -
To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.


Str:     Dex:     Con:     Int:     Wis:     Cha:

Special Abilities

This Will Hurt (Ex; Leathery Creature Pattern)

Leathery Creatures may choose to change the damage inflicted by their Melee or Ranged attacks (but not abilities) to laceration (physical, rare). They may do this at any time, with any or all of their attacks, per attack.