Goliath Stirge

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Goliath Stirge (CR 15)

The largest breed of stirge, these massive mosquito-like things are deadly menaces to any warm-blooded creature they come in contact with. Goliath Stirges are winged predators which roam in packs and sometimes even massive swarms, seeking out prey. Like all stirges, goliath stirges subsist on blood, and seek it out with gleeful abandon. Goliath stirges require a great deal of blood to survive, and so the packs are highly nomadic, wandering great distances to find new prey. They locate their prey by the smell of their blood. Once located, they descend and feast with hedonic abandon.

Goliath stirges have been known to wipe out farming families, caravans and travelers. Any group of humanoids away from the safety of their community can fall victim to these menaces.


CR 15 Hit Dice 22

XP 51,200

N Small Vermin

Init +7; Senses Keen Scent 100 ft., Perception +23


AC 37, touch 26, flat-footed 31 (+10 armor, +6 dex, +6 natural, +5 deflection)

hp 328

Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +14

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 20 ft., Greater Flight 60 ft., Greater Climb 20 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2) plus Blood Drain (must be attached)

Full Melee 2x Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2) plus Blood Drain (must be attached)

Ranged -

Special Attacks Blood Drain, Attach

Action Points 0


Str 18, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 5, Cha 3

Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 34

Feats -

Skills Survival +23, Fly +23, Stealth +23

Languages D'ziriak (low brood)


Attach (Ex)

As a swift action, the stirge makes a touch attack against a target (+19 to-hit vs Touch AC), . If it hits, it enters the target's space, and gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to AC until it is removed. Removing the stirge requires either a successful CMB check or an Escape Artist check vs the Stirge's CMD. Any adjacent ally may also make one of these checks as a standard action to remove an attached stirge. If an adjacent creature is the one who succeeds in removing the stirge, the victim takes damage from the stirge's claws (6d6+6 slashing) with no to-hit roll needed, as the stubborn creature is torn off its victim. Note that missed attacks against an attached stirge do not harm the victim to whom the stirge is attached.

Up to 8 goliath stirges can attach to a single sized-small or sized-medium creature. There is no limit to the number of goliath stirges which can attach to a sized-large creature.

Drain Blood (Ex)

Once attached, as a standard action, the stirge can make a bite attack roll (with a +1 bonus to hit, since they're attached). If they hit, they deal normal bite damage, and drain 1d4+1 points of CON from the victim. There is no save for this effect. They cannot attack with their claws while attached, because that's how they're holding on.

Once a stirge has drained 10 points of CON, it will detach and attempt to escape the battle to digest its meal in peace. A stirge which successfully escapes a battle in this way is not considered 'defeated' and does not award treasure or xp.

Creatures which are drained to 0 constitution by Drain Blood are slain.


sell value of approximately 18,750 gp


Goliath stirges are simple combatants. They need to attach to their prey in order to feed, so that is their priority. They are good fliers, and have a decent stealth skill, so they will often attempt to ambush prey. During a surprise round, they will use a charge maneuver to attach (dealing no damage, but getting in position to do so).

Being largely unintelligent, goliath stirges will usually target the nearest creature to them, though they will avoid anyone wearing heavy armor, seeing them as inedible.

Stirges only retreat when full.