Talk:Monster Patterns and Roles

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Revision as of 16:14, 29 August 2018 by Tbolling (talk | contribs)
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Note: Damage model

  • Added melee/ranged attacks do 1d6 damage plus 2 per base CR up to CR20, plus 3 per base CR 21+
  • Added swift action powers do 1d4 per base CR
  • Added Standard action powers do 1d6 per base CR
  • Added Alpha powers do 1d6+1 per base CR to CR25, 1d6+2 per base CR 26+

Just remember that player vs. monster damage is MUCH bigger than monster vs. player damage.  I have concerns...

These numbers are built off the monster damage numbers, so they should match pretty closely.  Now, that's assuming I have the right monster damage numbers, of course. :) I need to tinker a couple of powers in Great Creature and tidy up some stuff.  For example, there's a 'reflect back' power that needs fixed. That one is DEFINATELY  broke.  
Current alpha damage in monster template for a CR 35 mob is (averaged) 156, represented as 6d10+123... Your CR 35 alpha damage is (averaged) 197.5, represented as 35d6+70.  It's too much.  Our preliminary hit point estimates (admittedly very old now) show that this would just evaporate an alchemist or bard, and a slightly lucky roll would also kill a rogue or ranger just outright, unless any of these people put some feats into extra hit points (unlikely, IMO).  A very lucky roll will also kill any clerics, prowlers and warlords. And if all the healers die, there's no way the party can recover from this fight, even if they win, without a trip back to town.  Not saying that should never happen, but I am saying it shouldn't be possible with what is likely the very first attack a monster will use in a fight.  Even worse, when there are 8 of these bad guys on the field all doing it, you'll wipe everyone.
oh, I think I see part of the issue.  The damage in the patterns is calculated off the BASE CR not the adjusted CR. So a CR32 mob with a +3CR pattern would have a base CR of 32, and so at CR35 would do alpha damage of 32d6+64, = 176, not 197.  Of course, that's still too high, so I must have picked up some bad numbers or messed up my tinkering. :) I'll work up a quick hard-coded table built right off the numbers, I was trying to keep it simple, but ehn. I originally wanted to use the template tags, but that idea didn't work out.

current monster number calcs:

  • alpha special damage = 0.75 of the number in the base template.
  • standard special damage = 0.5 of base
  • swift special damage = 0.35 of base
  • melee attacks = 0.5 of base (assumes 1 melee attack in first round, and 3 in second round, averaging 2 attacks per round)
  • bite attacks = 0.666 of base
  • claw attacks = 0.333 of base.


New Patterns: