Talk:Monster Patterns and Roles

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Revision as of 21:05, 29 August 2018 by Reese (talk | contribs)
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Ok, new damage chart built that matches the numbers much more closely. :)

I, uh, tried to paste it in and the formatting wouldn't go. :(

I would try to manually 'chartify' it, but you are using all kinds of fancy add-ons these days.

I'll send you the sheet via mail, if you want to chartify it, tear it up, otherwise point me at an example and I'll figure it out. :D

chartified.  However, I still would like to understand why you're wholly re-creating hundreds of hours of work on the existing damage numbers.  I'm willing to bet there's a MUCH easier way to replicate this within the monster templates using existing variables, and/or nudge values (if necessary).

   {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}           {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}               {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
   {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}           {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}   {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}     {{Siege-Dmg}}
   {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
   {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
   {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
   {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

   Each of these variables can be modified with up to four parameters, all optional:

       Parameter 1, unnamed, adds or subtracts from the CR. 
             Example: {{Ranged-Dmg|-2}} subtracts 2 to the CR before returning the value.

       Parameter 2, "n", modifies the base number directly. 
             Example: {{Ranged-Dmg|n=-2}} subtracts 2 from the final value.

       Parameter 3, "op" lets you change the operand affecting variable 2. 
             Values: mult, div, or leave blank (defaults to addition). 
             Example: {{Ranged-Dmg|n=2|op=mult}} doubles the damage.

       Parameter 4, "d", modifies which die size the damage uses. 
             This variable only applies to the damage variables.
             Values: d=4, d=6, d=8, d=10, d=12. Note lack of caps.  
             Example: {{Ranged-Dmg|d=10}} returns damage in form of d10's.        -->