Rod of Varied Apocalypse

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Rod of Varied Apocalypse

Rod of Varied Apocalypse

CL 4 Magic Rod • Weak Transmutation
Cost: 9,900 gp
Weight: 4 lbs.

This rod is in the shape of a square, roughly hammered bar of black metal, scarred and seared by the energies it emits. It is capped with a small flared funnel-shaped opening, which is always filled with baleful light of shifting colors, randomly switching between red, green, blue, yellow, and colorless shimmers.

Wielders of this rod can utter a command word as a standard action to cast a Dragon's Breath spell, using up one charge from the rod.

You must speak in a rough, loud tone to activate this rod, the command growled aloud, as you invoke a deadly power. At the culmination of the command, you point the flared end of the rod at what you wish to destroy, and it roars out a blast of energy. The area affected is either a 30 foot cone (a 6x6 square space adjacent to the wielders space) or a 60 foot blast (a 3 x 12 square space, of which the 3 square wide side must share a side with the wielders space). Creatures wholly or partially in the affected area take an amount of elemental damage as defined below. The damage type inflicted is chosen by the wielder of the rod as the command word is snarled out, and may be one of any type of common (Acid,  Cold,  Fire,  Lightning,  Sonic) energy. A successful save as defined below results in half damage.

You can purchase this rod at a higher creator level than the minimum required to cast the spell. Doing so increases the potency of the spell as described above, but also increases the cost, as follows:

Creator Level Cost Save DC Damage Dealt
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
7 22,500 gp  21 7d6+7
8 28,800 gp  22 8d6+8
9 36,000 gp  22 9d6+9
10 45,000 gp  23 10d6+10
11 55,800 gp  24 11d6+11
12 67,500 gp  25 12d6+24
13 81,900 gp  26 13d6+26
14 100,800 gp  27 14d6+28
15 127,800 gp  29 15d6+30
16 173,700 gp  30 16d6+32
17 234,000 gp  30 17d6+34
18 324,000 gp  31 18d6+54
19 432,000 gp  32 19d6+57
20 576,000 gp  33 20d6+60
Creator Level Cost Save DC Damage Dealt
21 765,000 gp  34 21d6+63
22 1,026,000 gp  35 22d6+66
23 1,359,000 gp  36 23d6+69
24 1,800,000 gp  37 24d6+96
25 2,340,000 gp  38 25d6+100
26 3,150,000 gp  39 26d6+104
27 4,140,000 gp  40 27d6+108
28 5,580,000 gp  41 28d6+112
29 7,380,000 gp  43 29d6+116
30 9,810,000 gp  44 30d6+150
31 12,960,000 gp  46 31d6+155
32 17,010,000 gp  47 32d6+160
33 22,500,000 gp  48 33d6+165
34 29,790,000 gp  49 34d6+170
35 39,690,000 gp  50 35d6+175

This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 18 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 4,950 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).