Hobgoblin Scourge

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Hobgoblin Scourge (CR 11)

Hobgoblins are the cruelest and most common of the Low Fey. Although technically Outsiders, they live on the Prime material in large numbers, their enclaves generally isolated. By the measures of more 'normal' races, the Hobgoblins, like all fey, are quite insane. Their motives and reasoning are just-so-subtly...off.

For example. Hobgoblins are quite formidable beings. If they formed armies and marched on their neighbors, they could establish nations and empires easily enough. But they do not. They don't care about such things, being content to live in small towns and thorps, a few dozen here, a few hundred there.... That is all that they are interested in. Hobgoblins are far more interested in their byzantine social lives and the torment of their slaves than they are about worrying over living space, to be honest.

Hobgoblin Scourges are the 'hoity toity' members of hobgoblin society. They are not nobility by any stretch, but they're wealthy and well-fed, just a touch full of themselves, just a touch superior to the lesser sorts around them.

Scourges are better dressed, have more elaborate homes and lairs, and of course, have more slaves. Oddly enough, Scorges treat their slaves even more poorly than do lesser sorts of hobgoblins, and will almost always have a slave nearby to order around and torture as the him strikes them.

Despite their airs, Hobgoblin Scourges are skilled combatants and more than a little skilled in cruel magics, that they use to good effect against their victims.

Scourges are les likely to roam afield, although they are occasionally encountered working with some Deceivers for some other monstrous neighbor.


CR 11 Hit Dice 16

XP 12,800

LE, Medium, Fey

Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Perception +17


AC 31, touch 19, flat-footed 26 (+7 armor, +5 dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection)

hp 229

Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11 <swap as needed; only one strong save>

Aura: -

SR: - <21, if any>

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 30 ft. <adjust as needed; list other movement types here also>

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. <adjust as needed>

Single Melee <melee weapon> +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2)

or: Single Melee Bite +16 (2d8+11/x2)

Full Melee 3x <melee weapon> +16 (2d8+6/19-20x2)

or: Full Melee Bite +16 (2d8+11/x2), 2x Claws +16 (2d6+3/x2)

Ranged <optional ranged attack> +16 (2d8+6/x2)

Special Attacks <copy from source; only list ability names here; describe below>

Action Points 0 <common monsters never have action points, named monsters often have one.>


Str XX, Dex XX, Con XX, Int XX, Wis XX, Cha XX <copy from source>

Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 27

Feats <pick one or two thematically relevant feats; avoid complicated ones.>

Skills <choose only if relevant, values around 1.5 x creature’s CR>

Languages <copy from source>


<special abilities should have a save DC 20>

<special attack damage (standard action): 6d6>

<special attack damage (aoe’s, swift actions or inflicting status effects): 3d6>

<ability name>

<ability description>

<ability name>

<ability description>


sell value of approximately 6,500 gp


<describe typical actions taken during combat here>