Thunder Drake

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Thunder Drake (CR 10)

Drakes are reptilian beasts that compete in the wild against wolves, bears, and other modest predators. They are omnivores when required (although they prefer meat) and their slow, efficient metabolisms mean an amazing number of them can live in a given area.

Thunder Drakes are the largest and most dangerous sorts of common drakes. They are large, frightening creatures, liberally equipped with teeth and claws just like all drakes, but by far their most potent weapon is their terrible howling roar. Thunder Drakes are among the most dangerous natural predators you will find in most lands, assuming you discount the far more terrible Dragons.


CR 10 Hit Dice 15

XP 9,600

NE, Large, Magical Beast

Init +5; Senses low-light, Keen Scent, Perception +15


AC 30, touch 19, flat-footed 25 (+6 armor, +5 dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection)

hp 175

Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +10

Aura: Intimidating Presence

SR: -

Special Defenses: ER 20/Sonic

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 50 ft., Swim 30 ft

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Bite +18 (2d8+10/x2)

Full Melee Bite +18 (2d8+10/x2), 2x Claws +18 (2d6+2/x2)

Ranged None, but see Thunderous Roar

Special Attacks Intimidating Presence, Thunderous Roar, Pack Ferocity

Action Points 0


Str 24, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha12

Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 26

Feats Combat Reflexes (EFFECT: Up to three attacks of opportunity each round.), Run (Effect: Move five times speed when takes the Run action.)

Skills Sense Motive 16, Stealth 14

Languages None

Special Abilities

Intimidating Presence (Su)

The first time any Thunder drake ends its move adjacent to an enemy, that enemy must make a Will save, DC 19 or gain the Trembling status condition. Creatures which fail this save may make a new save at the end of each of their turns to end it, at the same DC. Once a creature succeeds on this save, they may not be affected by this, or any other thunder drake's Intimidating Presence ability for 24 hours.

Thunderous Roar (Su)

As a standard action, a Thunder Drake may emit a powerful Thunderous Roar. This affects a 30 foot cone, and does 5d6+1 points of sonic damage. Fort save, DC 19, for half damage.

Pack Ferocity (Ex)

Any time a Thunder Drake is within 2 squares of a creature it considers an ally, the Thunder Drake adds +5 points of damage to whatever attack it is using. This adds damage to their Bite, Claw and Thunderous Roar. This ability cannot stack with itself, regardless of how many allies are nearby.


sell value of approximately 5,000 gp

Combat Tactics

Thunder Drakes are well aware of their Thunderous Roar, and will not hesitate to use it. They will usually stay clustered together so that as many of them as possible gain their Pack Ferocity bonus. They will close in using move actions until they can get their enemies in their areas of effect, and from there on they will seek to 'joust' with opponents, continually using move actions to fall back, keeping the distance open to at least fifteen feet or so.

If they are forced into melee combat, they will accept Attacks of Opportunity to use a move action to set up flanks. This also triggers their Intimidating presence aura, and hopefully the Trembling condition combined with the damage they have inflicted with their Thunderous Roars will leave their foes 'softened up' sufficiently for melee attacks to end the combat.

If they find that they are having trouble hitting with melee attacks, or their foes are warded against their damage, they will not hesitate to use Thunderous Roar even in tight melee conditions, Thunder Drakes are not completely immune to their own Roars, but they do have a lot of resistance against it.

Thunder Drakes are proud and ferocious creatures. Once combat is engaged, they will not seek to flee, they fight to the death.