Rings Slot Magic Items

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Magic Item Name Cost Slot Description
Ring of Spell Knowledge varies Ring When worn by a sorcerer or other spontaneous caster, allows wearer to "know" an additional spell
Ring of Protection varies Ring Grants wearer a deflection bonus to AC
Ring of Wizardry varies Ring The wearer's arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level.
Dungeon Ring, Prisoner's 250 Ring When put on someone's finger by someone wearing a Jailor's ring, this cursed ring allows the Jailor to know the wearer's whereabouts at all times
Ring of Arcane Signets 1,000 Ring Becomes a signet appropriate to the wearer, and wearer can cast Arcane Mark at will
Ring of the Grasping Grave 2,000 Ring Wearer can make a melee touch attack against an undead, preventing it from being healed by negative energy for 1d4 rounds
Ring of Feather Falling 2,200 Ring Activates Feather Fall spell automatically after the wearer falls 5 or more feet
Ring of Climbing 2,500 Ring Grants wearer a +5 competence bonus to Movement checks to climb
Ring of Jumping 2,500 Ring Grants wearer a +5 competence bonus to Acrobatics checks made to perform long or high jumps
Ring of Sustenance 2,500 Ring Wearer needs only 2 hours of sleep per night and is kept fed and nourished by the magic of the ring.
Ring of Swimming 2,500 Ring Grants wearer a +5 competence bonus to Swim checks
Ring of Ferocious Action 3,000 Ring Wearer may ignore the Rattled condition up to 5 times per day as a free action
Ring of Counterspells 4,000 Ring Allows wearer to store 1 spell up to 6th level in ring, and if that spell is cast upon the wearer, automatically counterspells that spell
Ring of Maniacal Devices 5,000 Ring Grants wearer a +5 competence bonus to Disable Device and Profession (Trapsmith) checks
Ring of Rat Fangs 5,000 Ring Grants wearer a bite attack as a primary attack
Ring of Sacred Mistletoe 6,000 Ring Wearer can cast Shillelegh once per day, and if wearer has Woodland Stride class ability, can move through magically created or manipulated plants
Ring of Swarming Stabs 6,000 Ring Twice per day, when wearer is flanking an enemy, can deal 1d6 sneak attack damage as a swift action
Ring of Forcefangs 8,000 Ring Negates any force spell or spell-like effect targeting the wearer, who can release the absorbed force effects as magic missiles
Ring of Mind Shielding 8,000 Ring wearer becomes immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment.
Ring of Strength Sapping 8,000 Ring Once per day as a swift action, wearer can inflict strength damage with an unarmed strike, and gain some strength for 1 minute
Ring of Force Shield 8,500 Ring Wearer can create a shield of force (+2 shield bonus to AC), or dismiss it as free actions
Ring of the Ram 8,600 Ring Wearer can deal damage and perform a bull rush on an enemy up to 30 feet away (using the ring's CMB)
Scholar's Ring 8,700 Ring Wearer understands any written or spoken language, and gains a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (History) checks.
Ring of Climbing, Improved 10,000 Ring Grants wearer a +10 competence bonus to Movement checks to climb
Ring of Curing 10,000 Ring When casting healing spells, all level dependent maximums of the healing granted increase by +2. Does not increase wearer's effective caster level
Ring of Foe Focus 10,000 Ring Wearer can gain a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks made by a single enemy she can see, on command
Ring of Jumping, Improved 10,000 Ring Grants wearer a +10 competence bonus to Acrobatics checks made to perform long or high jumps
Ring of Ki Mastery 10,000 Ring Wearer can store up to 2 ki points in the ring, and while ki is stored, grants bonuses to the wearer
Ring of Revelation, Lesser 10,000 Ring Wearer can cast Glitterdust five times per day
Ring of Swimming, Improved 10,000 Ring Grants wearer a +10 competence bonus to Swim checks
Ring of Animal Friendship 10,800 Ring Wearer can cast Charm Animal at will
Ring of Transposition 10,800 Ring Once per day, the wearer can swap places with the wearer of the bonded ring, as the Dimension Door spell, on command
Ring of Tactical Precision 11,000 Ring Grants wearer a +5 competence bonus to Profession (Soldier), and can be imbued with a teamwork feat for 24 hours, granting the wearer use of that feat
Ring of the Sophisticate 11,000 Ring Once per day, wearer can cast Locate Creature or Locate object, and at will, wearer can locate nearest pub, bar or watering hole
Decoy Ring 12,000 Ring Makes wearer invisible automatically when wearer withdraws or becomes helpless, and sends illusory copies of the wearer running off in different directions
Ring of Craft Magic 12,000 Ring Wearer can use Spellcraft in place of a Profession skill to identify an item, and may expend a spell to gain a bonus to a single Profession check
Ring of Ectoplasmic Invigoration 12,000 Ring Wearer gains ability to cast Restoration and False Life spells, once each per day
Ring of Energy Resistance, Minor 12,000 Ring Grants 10 points of ER to one basic energy type (fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic) chosen at creation
Ring of the Troglodyte 12,000 Ring Twice per day, the wearer can emit a stench in a 10 foot area, sickening creatures in its radius
Steelhand Circle 12,000 Ring Grants unarmed strikes the Sunder weapon property for up to 5 non-consecutive minutes per day. Once per day, has a 50% chance ot negate a crit
Ring of Chameleon Power 12,700 Ring Grants wearer a +10 competence bonus to Stealth checks, and the ability to cast Disguise Self at will on command
Ring of the Sea Strider 14,000 Ring Wearer gains a Swim speed of 30, and once per day, can cast Dimension Door, but the start and end points must be in water
Ring of Retribution 15,000 Ring Once per day, wearer can cause ring to explode, dealing 10d6 fire damage to all creatures (including wearer) in a 30 foot radius
Ring of Water Walking 15,000 Ring Wearer is continually under the effect of a Water Walk spell
Dungeon Ring, Jailer's 16,000 Ring Grants the wearer constant awareness of the distance and location of anyone wearing a bonded Prisoner's Ring
Ring of Revelation, Greater 16,000 Ring Wearer can see invisibility, as the spell, and can cast Glitterdust three times per day
Ring of Inner Fortitude, Minor 18,000 Ring Allows wearer to ignore ability damage, or penalties based on ability scores up to -2, and ability drain up to -1
Ring of Spell Storing, Minor 18,000 Ring Wearer can store and cast up to 3 levels of spells from the ring
Ring of Energy Shroud 19,500 Ring Once per day, wearer can negate one attack which deals a common energy type (fire, cold, acid, sonic or electricity) and turn it into an Elemental Aura of that type
Ring of Arcane Mastery 20,000 Ring Grants wearer a number of benefits to improve Arcane spells and spellcasting
Ring of Invisibility 20,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to cast Invisibility as the spell
Ring of Revelation, Superior 24,000 Ring Wearer can see invisibility, cast Glitterdust three times per day, and cast Arcane Sight once per day.
Ring of Evasion 25,000 Ring Grants the wearer the Evasion ability
Ring of X-Ray Vision 25,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to see through solid matter on command
Ring of Blinking 27,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to cast the Blink spell at will
Ring of Energy Resistance, Major 28,000 Ring Grants 20 points of ER to one basic energy type (fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic) chosen at creation
Ring of the Ecclesiarch 28,500 Ring Grants a +5 competence bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge (Religion) checks, the ability to cast Prayer and Enter Image once per day, and other stuff
Ring of Return 33,600 Ring Wearer can link ring to a space as a move action up to 3 times per day, and teleport to a linked space within 100 feet as a swift action
Ring of Freedom of Movement 40,000 Ring Wearer is continually under the effect of a Freedom of Movement spell
Ring of Inner Fortitude, Major 42,000 Ring Allows wearer to ignore ability damage, or penalties based on ability scores up to -4, and ability drain up to -2
Ring of Energy Resistance, Greater 44,000 Ring Grants 30 points of ER to one basic energy type (fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic) chosen at creation
Ring of Delayed Doom 45,000 Ring Wearer can delay onset of any effect which has a saving throw for 1 minute per gem used. Ring has 9 gems, and is expended when the last gem is used.
Ring of Friend Shield 50,000 Ring Mated to a similar ring, this ring allows the wearer to cast Shield Other on the wearer of its mated pair, with no range limitation
Ring of Shooting Stars 50,000 Ring Grants the wearer a number of light and electricity spells usable depending on whether the wearer is standing in light or darkness
Ring of Spell Storing 50,000 Ring Wearer can store and cast up to 5 levels of spells from the ring
Ring of Continuation 56,000 Ring Extends the duration of a 'range: personal' spell to 24 hours, assuming its original duration was at least 10 minutes/level to begin with
Ring of Inner Fortitude, Greater 66,000 Ring Allows wearer to ignore ability damage, or penalties based on ability scores up to -6, and ability drain up to -3
Spiritualist Rings 70,000 Ring Wearer can cast Speak with Dead and Spectral Hand three times per day, gains Ghost Touch on weapons wielded, and a bonus to saves against positive or negative energy damage
Ring of Telekinesis 75,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to cast Telekenesis at will on command
Ring of Regeneration 90,000 Ring The wearer regenerates 1 point of damage per round, is immune to Bleed and Bruised conditions, and can regrow lost limbs
Ring of Spell Turning 100,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to cast Spell Turning three times per day on command, reflecting 9 spell levels' worth of spells that target the wearer
Ring of Three Wishes 120,000 Ring Grants the wearer the ability to cast Wish three times, after which the ring is expended
Ring of Djinni Calling 125,000 Ring Allows the wearer to summon a Djinn for up to 1 hour per day
Ring of Elemental Command 200,000 Ring Grants a number of abilities depending on which element the ring is attuned to, and makes it easier for the wearer to fight creatures from the plane of that element
Ring of Spell Storing, Major 200,000 Ring Wearer can store and cast up to 10 levels of spells from the ring