Empyreal Creature

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'Empyreal Creature' is an inherited template that can be added to any creature, subject to DM approval. Empyreal is a stronger variant of the "Celestial" template, and has all of the features of the Celestial template plus their glorious Benediction power. A Celestial creature is assumed to be blessed by some high good bloodline at some point in their past. An Empyreal creature has the same blessing, but it is much stronger, and there is much more Celestial power in their bloodline. Empyreal creatures are thus even more saintly than their Celestial cousins. Can be used in all cases in the same ways as Celestial, except with more 'oomph'. A good caster may be able to summon Empyreal Creatures if they are pure enough, and such creatures are surely exemplars of goodness, no matter what their base creatures may be like on the Prime Material!

An Empyreal Creature uses all of the base creature's statistics and abilities except as noted below.


Same as base creature +2.

Size and Type

The creature's Size does not change. It's Type remains the same but it gains the subtype Empyreal.


All senses such as scent, tremorsense, keen hearing, etc are unchanged.

Armor Class

Empyreal Creatures gain +2 AC.

Hit Dice

No changes.

Defensive Ability

An Empyreal Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

Aura: - Same as Base Creature

SR: - Same as Base Creature

Special Defenses: The Empyreal Creature gains ER Cold, Acid, and Electricity equal to its adjusted CR. It also gains DR/evil equal to its adjusted CR.

Immunities: Same as the base creature, except any keywords of 'evil' are changed to 'good' and vice versa.

Weaknesses: Same as Base Creature


Same as base creature, except reversed in morality. If it used to revel in horror and blood, it now revels in good deeds and kindness, etc.


An Empyreal Creature's base speed improves by ten feet in all movement categories it has.

Melee Attacks

An Empyreal Creature retains all the base creature's attacks .


No changes.

Space and Reach

No Changes.

Offensive Ability

An Empyreal Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

Smite Evil(Su)

Once per day, as a swift action, an Empyreal creature may choose one Evil-aligned creature to Smite. Once it has declared its Smite target, it adds a +3 bonus to melee attack rolls, and a damage bonus equal to its Hit Dice (based on it's adjusted CR) . Smite persists until the target is dead or the Empyreal creature rests.


Once per round, as a swift action, an Empyreal creature may pronounce a Benediction. This is a Supernatural ability with a range of 50 feet, which requires the target to hear the Empyreal creature to take effect(line of effect but not line of sight is required). If the Benediction is directed at an Good-aligned ally creature, it heals the creature for points of damage. If instead directed at an Evil-aligned enemy creature, Benediction inflicts points of Positive Energy damage, and inflicts the Withered condition upon the victim. If the victim makes a Will save against a DC of , the Positive energy damage is unaffected, but the Withered condition is reduced to Weakened.

Ability Scores

No changes.

Base Attack Bonus

No changes.

Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense

+2 untyped bonuse to Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense.


None, or add 1 as chosen by the DM. Try and pick stuff that makes things interesting!


Sense Motive, CR+10, for use with Smite Evil, above. Note that also makes summoning Empyreal creatures for wicked purposes a bit of a challenge....

Combat Tactics

Empyreal creatures will typically use their base creature abilities as noted. In addition, they will choose a Smite target, and then pronounce Benedictions on other targets that are threatening allies, in an attempt to weaken their attacks and send Evil down in wretched defeat. If their allies are injured, they will pronounce Benedictions to heal their allies, or, pronounce Benedictions on enemy spell casters and ranged attackers, seeking to weaken their attacks.