Two-Headed Creature

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'Two-Headed Creature' is a pattern that can be added to any creature that has two heads. This generally works best on creatures that actually HAVE a head, of course, although it certainly can be applied to any creature regardless of anatomy to provide an interesting challenge. Oozes, ghosts, and swarms with Two-Heads can provide an interesting change of pace, and as always, the referree is encouraged to be creative.

A Two-Headed Creature uses all of the base creature's statistics and abilities except as noted below.


Same as base creature +1.

Size and Type

The creature's Size does not change. It's Type remains the same but it gains the subtype Two-Headed.

Initiative Modifier

The creature's initiative modifier increases by half the amount that its CR increases, round up.


All senses such as scent, tremorsense, keen hearing, etc are unchanged. A Two-Headed Creature gains +3 on Perception skill rolls.

Armor Class

Same as Base Creature.

Hit Dice

Two-Headed Creatures gain +2 hp per Hit Die of their adjusted CR.

Defensive Ability

A Two-Headed Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

Aura: - Same as Base Creature

SR: - Same as Base Creature

Special Defenses: Same as Base Creature

Immunities: Same as Base Creature.

Weaknesses: Same as Base Creature

Out of Combat

Same as Base Creature.


Same as Base Creature.

Melee Attacks

A Two-Headed Creature retains all the base creature's attacks . It gains a +1 untyped bonus to-hit with all attacks.


A Two-Headed Creature does the same damage and effects as the base creature. All DC's are raised by +1.

Space and Reach

No Changes.

Offensive Ability

A Two-Headed Creature may make either a Bite attack or a Melee attack as a swift action, once per round.

A Two-Headed Creature may use one of its listed abilities as an immediate action once per encounter.

Ability Scores

No changes.

Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense

Same as Base Creature.


Optionally, add one non-combat oriented feat, for flavor. Or just wing it! DM fiat is a wonderful thing.


Optionally, add one skill at CR+10.