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gimmick: yahtzee-like mechanic

  • once per round, akin to a warlord's formation dice, or a ranger's quarry dice, the sharp rolls 5d6, and tries to make one of the following "hands" with the results:
  • high card (highest showing die face)
  • 1 pair (2 of a kind)
  • 2 pair (2 of a kind + 2 of a kind)
  • 3 of a kind
  • 4 of a kind
  • 5 of a kind
  • small straight (4 in a series)
  • large straight (5 in a series)
  • full house (3 of a kind + 2 of a kind)
  • The sharp may re-roll up to two times, each time choosing some, none, or all dice from the existing results to re-roll.
  • 1's can never be re-rolled. Once a 1 result is showing, it is locked in as a 1.
  • depending on the 'hand' the sharp ends up with, and the numerical value of the result, different benefits are granted to the sharp.
  • in general, 6's are better than 5's, are better than 4's, etc. -- 1's are valueless.

Buffs From Fate Deck

Buff provided by correct hi/lo guess is based on suit of card revealed:

  • spades = fate bonus to attacks and damage, for all attacks made by you until the start of your next turn
  • clubs = fate bonus to allies' attack and damage rolls for one attack each, this round
  • diamonds = draw and keep the next card from the deck, spend up to your fate bonus on any saving throws this round (that is, split the bonus among as many saves as you want, but once spent, it is used up for the round)
  • hearts = If you perform aid another action, the bonus granted is increased by +2 (typically this means it's a +4, instead of +2). In addition, you deal normal damage with the aid another attack if it would hit the monster's normal AC.

value of the fate bonus is based on level, and ranges from +2 to +15 (oh yes, I know it's huge)

Playing Kept Cards

Cards kept, either through correctly guessing hi/lo and drawing a diamond, or from passing, can be played at any time (including outside combat, if applicable) as a free action, for the following effects:

Hand Requires In-Combat Effect Out-of-Combat Effect
High card 1 card, any value add value of card to any one roll (incl. damage or skill rolls; doesn't have to be one of your rolls), but not to exceed your fate bonus. add value of card to any one roll (incl. damage or skill rolls; doesn't have to be one of your rolls), but not to exceed your fate bonus.
One pair 2 cards with same value re-roll a roll before results are determined (doesn't have to be one of your rolls), with bonus of pair's value, but not to exceed your fate bonus. re-roll a roll before results are determined (doesn't have to be one of your rolls), with bonus of pair's value, but not to exceed your fate bonus.
Two pair 4 cards Next attack, spell or ability, either yours or an ally within 30 feet, which must normally be done within melee range, gains a range with a number of squares equal to highest pair's value, but not to exceed your fate bonus.
Three of a kind 3 cards with same value gain DR /-, with a value of the three of a kind, but not to exceed your fate bonus. Expires at start of your next turn.
Straight 5 cards with sequential values gain ER /-, with value of highest card in straight, but not to exceed your fate bonus. Expires at start of your next turn.
Flush 5 cards with same suit gain the buff of the suit in your flush for this round, in addition to any buff gained from successful hi/lo guess this round.
Full House 5 cards; two of a kind and three of a kind swap the positions of any two creatures who are no further from you than a number of squares equal to the highest pair/trio's value, but not to exceed your fate bonus.
Four of a kind 4 cards with same value forced movement on any number of creatures within 30 feet, but with a number of squares equal to the value of the four of a kind, but not to exceed your fate bonus, split among any creatures affected. That is, each square of movement is spent to move one creature one square (not 'all creatures one square').
Straight Flush 5 cards with sequential values of the same suit you and all adjacent allies can perform a combat maneuver as a swift action once each before the start of your next turn. Grant a bonus to CMB equal to the highest value of the straight flush, but not to exceed your fate bonus.
Royal Flush 5 cards; A, K, Q, J and 10 of the same suit You and all adjacent allies gain a free standard action, which must be spent before the start of your next turn. You or an ally may make an action which normally requires 1 hour (or 1 interval) as a free action.

Kept cards are always kept until played (even across multiple game sessions).

Once played, they are placed on the bottom of the discard pile (so as not to change the current exposed card), and shuffled into the deck when shuffling occurs (usually between combat encounters).

Value of Cards

The value of each card is: 2 through 10, as shown, Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, Kings are 13 and Aces are 15. (An observant reader might notice these values are the same range, 2-15, as the fate bonus). Aces are never 1.