Desert Dweller (Feat)

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Your time spent living in merciless deserts has granted you resistance to extreme heat, starvation, and thirst.

Prerequisites: Level 1, Survival 1 rank

Related: Endurance (Feat)

Benefit: You treat the Environmental Effects of extreme heat as severe heat, and severe heat as very hot conditions. You are not impacted at all by very hot conditions. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on all checks made to resist the effects of starvation or thirst. You gain +4 ER against all heat-based environmental damage, which stacks with the benefits of the Endurance (Feat) and any other resistances against environmental heat.

Special: You gain a +1 untyped bonus on any saving throws to resist heat, fire, sunlight, or dessication damage. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level, +3 at 20th level and +4 at 30th level.